A Mole Rat and a Giraffe?

Besides our own research, ORCLS is always reading up on the latest longevity research from across the world.

Below is a podcast we found that explains why naked mole rats live as long as giraffes despite being completely different sizes. The podcast delves into how an animal’s mutation rate lines up with longevity.

The fascination with the naked mole rat is that it is a very, very, very long-lived rat! Naked mole rats live about 10 times longer than the typical rat. That would be the equivalent of a human living about 300 years! The podcast you can listen to and read about below suggests some intriguing reasons why this might happen. While many of us may not wish to be in the 300-year-plus club, if you could be healthy for most of that time, think about what knowledge you could gain, to help make the world a better place!

By Nature Podcast, Title ‘Why do naked mole rats live as long as giraffes?’

27:59 Minutes

Listen to Podcast Here→